
Des Moines, Live Music Joseph Leaming Des Moines, Live Music Joseph Leaming

Annalibera - Record Release Show

On March 20th, Annalibera played to a full house. The people in attendance were all there to welcome home and celebrate the release of Annalibera's full length album, Never Mind I Love You!

You can get the album at all the popular digital stores, but I would recommend listening to this beauty on vinyl. You can order one here at Sump Pump Records.

Here are some photos from that night. Enjoy

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Joseph Leaming Joseph Leaming

Ryan + Abby

A few days ago, one of my good friends asked me to take photos while he proposed to his girlfriend (also a good friend). I loved the idea and was excited, but  kind of nervous. I really didn't want to mess up such a beautifully intimate moment.

So on a Saturday afternoon, I went over to Ryan's apartment to talk through the plan of the proposal. We sat there making light convo, as he waited eagerly for Abby to send the text message that she was ready for him to pick her up. Ryan gathered the things he needed for the romantic setting, that at this point was only living in his mind. On the way out the door Ryan paused and asked, "Would you pray for me?"

I answered, "Of course!"

We talked to God, asking for peace, confidence, and most importantly, Him to be at the center of this whole thing.

The scene was set.

Ryan went to get Abby.

He played a song, written just for her. 

He asked, and she said YES!

It was a true honor to witness such a magical moment in these two wonderful people's story together!

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